魅力天津,《今日天津 》杂志慈善颁奖典礼落幕
2015-12-10 16:37:29 来源: 评论:0 点击:
2015年12月8日,150多名在津外资企业、国际学校、各国商会外籍代表聚会一堂,在天津君隆威斯汀酒店参加了第四届《今日天津》(Jin Magazine)杂志慈善颁奖典礼及客户答谢会,共同见证天津与外籍社区生活相关的行业的迅猛发展。天津中心唐拉雅秀酒店荣获最佳魅力品牌酒店奖。
《今日天津》(Jin Magazine)杂志是由今晚传媒集团主办的英文刊物,旨在向在津外籍社区宣传天津的发展,搭建文化交流的平台,提供衣食住行的便利信息。本次颁奖设计餐厅&酒店类、服务类、公寓、医疗、教育等与外籍社区生活相关的行业的奖项。
作为海航酒店集团旗下高端品牌唐拉雅秀的旗舰店,天津中心唐拉雅秀酒店秉承东方礼仪文化精粹的服务理念,通过服务所承载的东方传统待客之道,为宾客带来极赋东方文化底蕴、华贵舒适的“唐拉雅秀”专属高端体验。正是这种奢华酒店运营体系,使天津中心唐拉雅秀酒店无论在硬件标准上,还是服务品质上都达到了最高水准,在竞争激烈的评选中脱颖而出,以优异的综合得分荣获 “2015世界奢华酒店奖”。
Tangla Hotel Tianjin awarded as the Most Charming HotelBrand Awards
On December 8, 2015 more than 250 guests from Tianjin foreign enterprises, international schools and chambers of commerce gathered at Westin Tianjin to celebrate the 2015 Jin Magazine Awards Ceremony and Appreciation Banquet. Tangla Hotel Tianjin was awarded as the Most Charming Hotel Brand Awards.
Jin Magazine is an English-language publication sponsored by Jinwan Media Group. Jin Magazine aiming to promote and assist the development of Tianjin using the expat community to help build a platform for cultural exchanges and provide information about living in our great city.
As the flagship of TANGLA, the high-end hotel brand of HNA Hospitality Group, Tangla Hotel Tianjin carries out Tangla brand core values of “Harmony, Elegance, Excellence and Serenity”. By delivering the oriental hospitality, hotel’s heartfelt service brings every guest an exclusive cultural and luxury experience. After face- to-face survey with other hotels, Tangla Hotel Tianjin got an excellent score and won The 2015 World Luxury Hotel Awards.
Carrying this honor, Tangla Hotel Tianjin will go on striving to combine the ?nest wishes from nature and the art of modern hospitality, to create an environment to rest and relax your heart and soul in “harmony, elegance, excellence and serenity.”