2024-06-07 10:39:37 来源:第一新闻网 评论:0 点击:
近日,“全球创意设计领域最具影响力的国际奖项之一”的美国MUSE Design Awards(缪斯设计奖)2024年度评选结果正式揭晓,澳南集团的作品“华业·和光艺境生活美学馆”从全球众多参赛作品中脱颖而出,荣获MUSE Design Awards铂金奖,赢得国际权威认可。
MUSE Design Awards缪斯设计奖创建于2015年,作为国际奖项协会(IAA)旗下的全球性奖项赛事之一,该奖项面向建筑、室内、产品、景观、灯光、包装、时尚等广泛领域征集设计作品,致力于发掘和支持各行业处在上升期的设计师,旨在培养和推广“设计缪斯”,推动全球设计产业的发展更上一层楼。
1. 东方意境 水波潺潺
Taking the ladder as the corridor, taking the water as the path, slowly entering, the still water room, one light one heavy, one virtual one real, deduces the Eastern landscape philosophy, intangible and boundless, in line with nature and spirit.
At the beginning of the night, the "light" extends the scale of the space, and builds a paradise in the enclosed space of the eastern courtyard.
2. 东方人文 自然之境
The dark green pattern marble of Bulgari opens up the sense of ceremony of the space, and the color and material of the gilt give the space a luxurious style.
The winding staircase is like a dance, the piano is like a poem, and the artistic rhyme is long.
In the sand table area, the design incorporates more interesting natural forms and changes in the local environment, giving visitors an immersive experience of its subtlety and nature.
There are always some places worth stopping.The vigorous greenery creates a natural and comfortable atmosphere, as if you were in the woods
3. 东方气质 奢雅生活
The city has not only luxury and wealth, but also the proud elegance of "clear water Hibiscus". The negotiation water bar in the midfield is quiet, static and appropriate, so that the boundary between each other is eliminated, and the growth of natural extension of the state.
Art originates from nature and life. The placement of different elements not only enriches space, but also represents the symbiotic relationship between man, nature andcity.
The sofa was inspired by a deep-sea beluga whale trying to communicate with humans by making human sounds. Its story highlights the beautiful, harmonious symbiosis between man and nature, emphasizing the importance of sustainable development.
The sky into, dancing shadow.The light spills in the progressive space, extends in the space, gives the space a quiet sense, brings poetic beauty.
Wooden metope increased the level of space feeling, make this side of the space instantly have a deeper level of heritage. Perfect to achieve the integration with nature.