2016-11-29 15:16:57 来源: 评论:0 点击:
Yunding School keeps in mind the education theory of “To make foreign language a specialty, to balance courses of arts and science, and to embrace international cooperation”, creating a warm, friendly and safe environment for children. Every child in the school is truly accepted and respected. Students are comprehensively developed in aspects of scientific knowledge, social skills, emotional growth, creativity and arts, which provide them better winning chance for their future.
The international department consists of primary school, junior high school and senior high school. Students can enroll into Americanhigh schools or universities or apply for top American schools. A team armed with excellent teachers and education experts guarantees students’ entry into top international schools.

KAYLEIGH O'BEIRNE,是一名年轻有活力的老师。曾在深圳北大附中任教,有丰富的教学经验,深受学生喜爱。

Kian Robert Cremer, 毕业于University of Teesside,主修心理学。他兴趣广泛,曾在多所小学任教,担任过科学、戏剧、英语等科目的老师,并将国外批判性思维教学引入到课堂,让学生在课堂内多思多问,是一名很好的英文老师。

Gillian O’hara

Benjamin Robert Asbury
毕业于拥有百年历史的美国University of Oregon大学,主修新闻专业。他曾在韩国、澳大利亚任教,教学经验丰富,是一名兴趣广泛的老师,相信同学们可以学到很多书本以外的知识。

Thomas Kelly
毕业于英国University of Wolverhampton大学,文学学士学位,一口标准清晰的英式英语,对于英语学习者来说是很好的模仿对象。他性格开朗,很喜欢孩子,具有5年教学经验。

英国人,毕业于英国名校University of Liverpool,他英语发音纯正,曾为BBC录音,他的教学经验丰富,对各年龄段的孩子都有自己的教学方法。