程俊良 刘大为——中国书画两大家作品鉴赏
2018-04-10 14:08:42 来源:新北青网 评论:0 点击:

Cheng Junliang, born in 1945 in Zhejiang, Dongyang, Hu Lu shanren, China hall artist. Since childhood, he loved calligraphy and painting. When he was a teenager, he had been showing off his head. He had won the lead in all kinds of painting and calligraphy competitions. He graduated from a famous military academy -- Xi Jun electric. As a polytechnic male, he always did not forget the early heart dream of art, silently for decades, eventually become famous over seventy years of age! Now it is the vice chairman of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, the director of the academic committee of the Chinese Chinese and foreign celebrity Cultural Research Association and the director of the China Art Exchange Association. He won the gold medal in the first Chinese Association of calligraphy and painting, and has published the book, the hero of the painting and painting, the revolutionist of the painting circle with the masters of Qi Baishi, Qi Gong, Liu Dawei, Shen Peng, Fan Ceng, Jin Shangyi and Huang Yong jade. The Belt and Road "," New Silk Road "," the essence of art, "art". Famous collection, Chinese "painting and calligraphy collection. In 2015, the history of Chinese calligraphy and painting in 1840 to 201 thousand and 500 years was selected, and the world knowledge pictorial was selected and selected as a gift to the foreign presidents. China Post published the album of Cheng Jun Liang's stamp on "the people's work on the national ticket". In 2016, he was selected as an artist of the Chinese palace. In commemoration of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States and China, the ten largest Chinese artist stamp collection was published by the American French stamp company. In 2017, he was awarded the "golden prize for the Great Wall culture of China" and was awarded the honorary title of "Chinese the Great Wall artist". His works will be engraved on the Badaling new wall.
刘大为 现任中国美术家协会主席,山东诸城人,1945年出生。1968年毕业于内蒙师大美术系,1980年毕业于中央美术学院中国画研究生班,受教于叶浅予、蒋兆和、李可染、吴作人、黄胄等中国著名画家,基本功扎实,并刻意求新,工、写皆精。作品严谨深刻并富有浓烈的生活气息,作品以反映北方少数民族生活风情以及重大历史题材著称于世。是中国当前艺术成就突出,影响较大的国画家。作品曾多次入选国内外重要展览并发表。有作品获《光明日报》美术奖一等奖,“全国第一届教师美术作品展览”一等奖,“全国第二届连环画展”二等奖,“全国第六届美术作品展览”优秀奖,“全国第七届全国美展”铜奖。有多幅作品被中国美术馆,中国画研究院等单位收藏。
Liu dawei, President of the China artists association, was born in 1945. In 1968 graduated from the fine arts department of Inner Mongolia normal university in 1968, graduated from the central academy of fine arts graduate student class of Chinese painting, educated in Ye Jianyu, Jiang Zhaohe, Li Keran, wu zuoren, Huang Zhou famous Chinese painter, solid basic skills, and innovation and deliberately, writing is fine. The works are rigorous and rich in life, and the works are famous for reflecting the life style of the minority nationalities in the north and the important historical themes. It is China's current artistic achievement outstanding, influential country painter. The works have been selected and published many times. Have works was awarded the first prize for guangming daily, fine arts award, "the first national teacher art exhibition" won the first prize, second prize "the second serial painting exhibition", "the sixth national art exhibition excellence award", "national the 7th national arts exhibition" bronze award. Many works have been collected by China art museum, China painting research institute and other units.