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戴法忠 沈鹏——中国书画两大家作品鉴赏
2018-04-08 13:54:00   来源:互联网   评论:0 点击:







DaiFazhong. People in Yunmeng County, Hubei. Born in 1956. Members of Hainan Calligraphers Association, director of the academic committee of Chinese and foreign cultural Research Association of Chinese and foreign celebrities, director of Hongkong international Calligraphers Association, national gift artists and famous calligraphers. His childhood love of calligraphy, imitating the ancient and modern, with no skill. Works steady and generous, elegant, incisive charm, full of wit and humour and heavy. Good at calligraphy rubbings, official script, running script, bangshu. It has been published in many national and local authoritative newspapers and magazines. From 1985 to 2015, he participated in the national and provincial calligraphy exhibition many times. His works are loved by friends both at home and abroad and are Collectible by many collectors. 2015 invited brush held in Shanghai "Oriental collection", works by many friends and collectors to take collections. 2016 in Hainan invited to Wenchang for the premiere of "space" inscription yuxi. In 2017, his works were fired in "The Belt and Road porcelain porcelain handed down", as a national gift for foreign dignitaries. In 2017, his works were selected by the Specialized Committee and the Chinese post office of the Chinese mass cultural society, the Specialized Committee and the Chinese post. In 2017, the academic committee of Chinese and foreign celebrities Culture Research Association published the list of Chinese and foreign celebrities' cultural elite list "Dai Fazhong calligraphy special issue". In 2017, he was awarded the title of guru art master. In 2018, he was invited to participate in the Pingchang Winter Olympic Games, the Chinese culture carnival, the international famous Chinese painting and calligraphy exhibition.













Shen Peng, born in September 1931 in Jiangyin, Jiangsu, is a famous calligrapher, poet, art critic, editor and publisher. He has made outstanding contributions to the first batch of experts from the State Council. David Xi poetry, calligraphy and painting, in the university literature, after zhuangong news. As the honorary chairman of the Chinese Calligrapher's Association, a member of the CPPCC National Committee, an honorary member of the Chinese Literary Federation, a part-time professor at the Peking University, Renmin University of China, and the Chinese Academy of calligraphy, the Chinese Academy of painting, the Shen Peng calligraphy elite class, the tutor of the project class, the successive judges and vice directors of the National Book Award, and so on. Duty. A lot of calligraphy works have been donated to the disabled, Asian Games, disaster areas and so on. They always have the spirit of being kind and honest, willing to marry. A number of visits to the United States, France, Japan, Japan, Sweden, the former Soviet Union, the former Soviet Union, Italy, Italy, South Korea, Malaysia, Canada, Peru, Venezuela, and trida Tobago, as well as Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, were awarded the United Nations Academy world peace art authority award, and were included in various biographies and dictionaries. It includes the world famous dictionary and biographical dictionary compiled by international biographical center of Cambridge, England.


相关热词搜索:沈鹏 中国 书画

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