张志毅 欧阳中石——中国书画两大家作品鉴赏
2018-03-28 16:41:46 来源:互联网 评论:0 点击:

张志毅,男,笔名【寒石】。中共党员、研究生学历、甘肃省武威市人。现为国家一级美术师、《东方艺术天地》艺术顾问。甘肃省武威市书法家协会理事、中国华夏万里行书法家协会会员、中国书画家协会会员、影响中国书画院副院长,中国民族建筑研究会艺专委理事会副主席。其作品先后多次在全国获奖。特别是2013年参加了国艺瑞京书画院在全国举办的‘长江颂’古今名家名作书画作品上海邀请展,在这次展会上他书写的横条中堂经全国名家评选,荣获“金奖”。授予‘中国现代书画百家’荣誉称号,荣膺中国现代最具投资潜力书法家荣誉。并聘任为国艺瑞京书画院主席团名誉主席、国艺瑞京井冈山创作基地名誉主任兼客座教授。2015年他的四尺整张中堂作品又被收入世界张氏百名书法家主题作品集。2016年他的十多幅书法作品被选入国家艺术频道全国书画名家展1281期。2016年在中国好品牌艺术人物榜网络评选活动中被评为品牌影响力书法家。同年、他应中国中外名人文化研究会学术委员会之邀、 有二十多幅书法作品入编有我国艺坛最为杰出书画大师参加的、由中国书协名誉主席沈鹏题写书名、向国内外公开发行的【一代名家】大型特辑中。并授予‘人民喜爱的书画家’荣誉称号。2017年他应中国文化信息协会之邀有二十多幅作品入编向全球公开发行,展示中国现代杰出艺术大师们艺术风采的《中华国粹.名家典藏》大型艺术典籍中。同年3月他应炎黄九州【北京】文化艺术交流中心之邀、有十多幅书法作品入编展示中国近当代书画名家作品的《百年经典》大型艺术文献中。同年6月应中国文化信息协会之邀,有二十多幅书法作品入编,有全国著名艺术家欧阳中石、刘文西和他本人(张志毅)合编出版了《笔墨神州、艺坛圣手》书画合集一书,并很荣幸的受邀由本人为该书题写了书名。同年9月应美国集邮集团邀请,经邮票评审委员会专家审核,被入选为“一代一路”文化名片-----中国艺术名家世界邮票人物。并向全球发行世界杰出华人纪念邮册。同年10月应华夏儒商企业文化发展交流中心邀请与当代十多位书画名家合作出版了《中国书画领军人物献礼党的十九大》特刊并授予《献礼十九大书画领军大师》荣誉称号。2018年应华夏儒商企业文化发展交流中心之邀,与全国书法大家欧阳中石、中国著名画家刘大为,(张志毅)三人合作出版发行了戊戌年书画台历,本人受邀为台历题写了《艺坛领袖、传世佳作》台历名称。同年2月应中国集邮宣传中心网、中国邮品研发组委会邀请,经国家邮政部门审批、他的20幅书法作品成功入选向全球公开发行的“一带一路中国梦”限量版珍藏邮册。同年3月经中国新长城组委会研究特别提名并对其书法作品经过严格审核,他的“观远”、“ 不到长城非好汉”两幅书法作品入选“中国新长城提词作品”,荣获“中国长城文化金奖”,被授予“中国长城艺术家”荣誉称号。入选作品将镌刻在中国新长城景区。向国内外旅客永久展示。
Zhang Zhiyi, male, pseudonym [hanshi]. Party members, graduate students, Wuwei people in Gansu province. Is now a national level artist, "Oriental Art" art consultant. Gansu Province, Wuwei City Calligraphers Association, China Huaxia Wanli Calligrapher Association, member of China Calligraphers Association vice president of China Painting Institute, vice chairman of the Council of national art Chinese building. His works have been awarded many times in the country. Especially in 2013 participated in the National Arts Academy in Beijing Rui China held "Yangtze River song" ancient masterpieces of calligraphy and painting exhibition of Shanghai, he writes in this exhibition bar hall by the national famous award, won the gold medal". It is awarded the honorary title of "Chinese modern calligraphy and painting", and is honored as the most investment potential calligrapher in modern China. He is also appointed honorary chairman of the chairman of the president of the Chinese Academy of calligraphy and painting academy and the honorary director and guest professor of the Jinggangshan creation base of the national art Ruijing. In 2015 his four feet the whole works nave was inscribed on the world famous calligrapher Zhang Shibai theme works. In 2016, his more than 10 calligraphy works were selected for the 1281 phase of the national art and calligraphy exhibition of the national art channel. In 2016, it was named brand influence calligraphers in the network selection activities of Chinese good brand art figures. The same year, he should China famous Chinese and foreign cultural study of the academic committee, has invited more than 20 calligraphy works for China's most outstanding calligraphy masters in art, by China Calligraphers Association honorary chairman Shen Peng inscribed the title to the public at home and abroad, the generation of masters [Special Edition] large. And the award of the title of "the people's favorite calligraphers". In 2017 he China cultural information association invited more than 20 pieces of works for the global public offering to show, China outstanding modern art masters the art style of the "Chinese famous collection". The quintessence of large-scale art classics. In March of the same year he should [Beijing] Kyushu Yanhuang Culture and art exchange center, has invited more than 10 calligraphy works for the exhibition of contemporary painting and calligraphy works China in "one hundred years of classic" large-scale art literature. In June of the same year China cultural information association should be invited, there are more than 20 pieces of calligraphy works into the series, the famous artists Ouyang Zhongshi, Liu Wenxi (Zhang Zhiyi) and his co published "China," painting and calligraphy art masters and a collection of books, and honoured to be invited by the people of the book wrote the title.In September of the same year, at the invitation of the American philatelic group, approved by the expert of the stamp Review Committee, it was selected as the cultural card of "one generation and one road" -- the world stamp character of Chinese art master. And to the global issue of world outstanding Chinese stamps. In October of the same year the Chinese Confucian enterprise culture development should be invited and more than 10 contemporary painting and calligraphy painting and calligraphy China jointly published "the leader of the party's nineteen special tribute" and awarded the "tribute nineteen leader" honorary title of master of calligraphy and painting.In 2018 Chinese Confucian enterprise culture development and exchange center was invited with the calligraphy of Ouyang Zhongshi, Chinese famous painter Liu Dawei (Zhang Zhiyi), three co published the 1898 painting calendar, I was invited to the world leaders, "wrote the calendar masterpiece" calendar. In February of the same year should be Chinese philatelic advocacy center network, Chinese products R & D, the organizing committee invited approval by the national postal service, 20 of his calligraphy works successfully selected to the global public offering "The Belt and Road Chinese dream" limited edition album. The same year, the Organizing Committee of 3 menstrual China special nomination and the calligraphy works through a rigorous examination, his view of "far", "less than the Great Wall of non hero" two calligraphy works selected "the Chinese prompt works", won the "Chinese the Great Wall Culture Award", was awarded the "China the Great Wall artist" honorary title. The selected works will be engraved in the scenic China. Permanent display to domestic and foreign passengers.
Ouyangzhongshi born in 1928 in shandong taian.Early years studying in jinan in 1950 and was admitted to Beijing furen university department of philosophy, again into logical professional philosophy department of Peking University, majoring in history of Chinese logic, graduated in 1954.In normal school, after graduation, a professor from Beijing normal college logic replacement of calligraphy art professional speaker.Learning book studied under Wu Yan mage first, and then from Wu Yuru.From the tang monument immediately turn all over the northern wei dynasty epitaph;After have also set foot in, nationalities, bones, jinwen, especially in running-penmanship melts former people the tablet LinChi labor more frequently.Often a running script, from the method of two Kings, and potential to the king.Cursive script in wang xizhi, sun court for cases, also thanks to yellow, wish point method.Book yan wan comely wind, natural elegance.Now to the CPPCC national committee, the state council degree committee of art discipline appraisal group members, the ministry of culture art series senior title of professional committee member of fine arts, capital normal university professor, doctoral and postdoctoral mentor, director of the institute of Chinese calligraphy culture.His blog for more optimal, in logic, classics, phonological, painting, drama, literature, calligraphy and other subjects have the profound attainments, is China's famous scholars, educators, calligrapher.
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